We had a chance to sit down with Billy Reid regarding video creation, how to make them viral and who is staying ahead of the curve. Aparently, Doritos is a company that gets it. At the very least, it appears that someone at Doritos has teens that watch Youtube. Doritos has been hosting a contest over the past month that gives people the opportunity to make a video and try and make it viral in order to win a bit fat cash prize. While this is a nice end result – the long term result is that you’ll learn how to make viral videos, get a lot of traffic, make some money and become internet famous.
We’ve included the interview at the end of Episode #41 of Weekly Tech Update and in order to make things easier for you, we’ve also included it as a separate download over here.
For more on the Doritos Viralocity campaign, check the press release here or you can watch as many of the video submissions that you want over here.

“We’re living in an exciting time for video creators, and the Internet has opened doors for people like myself – huge doors.” says Billy Reid “What’s great is that Doritos is giving anyone in Canada with a video camera and access to the web a shot at creating a winning ad. The best part is that they’re putting the final decision into the hands of the Internet. The Internet decides who wins. This is powerful. Basically, expect the unexpected, it could be your next door neighbour who comes out on top.” – Billy Reid