The other day on, I announced that I was going to launch a Twitter related contest for one lucky follower. Here are the details. Once I reach 100 Twitter followers, I will draw a name at random and that lucky person will receive a 1GB iPod Shuffle. I know it’s not as big or as cool as what some other people are giving away, but the reality is that I don’t have many followers and I could always use some more.

Win This iPod!
I mostly twitter about things regarding tech that’s going on at, but I do include some personal stuff. I’m not as noisy as some people and I won’t kill your texting plan with 20+ tweets a day. Most weeks I send out about a dozen or so – just to keep you up to date on what is going on.
When the winner is drawn, I will send out a tweet that must be responded by via twitter in order to win. We’ll keep you updated as we go along. For now, sign up for twitter – follow me and keep watching to see when I reach 100 followers!
Find out more about Twitter here, and remember to follow me at
The beautiful thing is that I’ll ship this free anywhere in North America and we’ll talk about it if someone wins it from over the pond. Good luck!